Welcome !

For anyone patient enough to have followed "Moondaisy's" wanderings and the ramblings of her crew, it gets worse....

Monday, 7 February 2011

out of the darkness....

The days are getting just a little longer as we climb out of winter's depressing greyness.  The snow was OK, but the winter months seem to get longer somehow. It's time to think about Easter and the possibility of "Dabbling Duck" resplendent in a new coat of paint and with her proper engine back in.
Time, anyway, to ring the boatyard and see if they have a date for doing the work........

This is the first year I have not prepared my own boat - the cost of staying in Norfolk waiting for the weather to be right for painting is about the same as getting it done at the yard, so it's a no-brainer.

If either of my readers is likely to be in Norfolk over the summer, don't hesitate to phone and we can arrange some sailing - engine or no engine.