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For anyone patient enough to have followed "Moondaisy's" wanderings and the ramblings of her crew, it gets worse....

Thursday, 3 March 2011

Good news....

Winter moorings at Barton Turf
A call from the engineer at Stalham Staithe. The original engine which came with (but not in) the boat is apparently a lump of rust and beyond repair. No surprise, as there must have been some reason why it was removed in the first place.
The good news is that Mr Greenwood (said engineer) has another on a shelf in his workshop with gearbox, Dynastart and vintage control handle.  He is on the case and will re-build it and work with the boatyard to install it and fit a propeller. A nice man, who sails and knows what's what. I was lucky to meet him. I shall leave it to the experts and keep feeding the piggy-bank.
I will post news as and when.
Barton Staithe in snow..

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